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What is patent and how do patterned your ideas? by Priya

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

This Article was written and Published by Ms Samypriya, Biomedical Trainer, ATHEENAPANDIAN Private Limited

Everyone originate something new, they don’t know how to introduce to the world , how to profit from it, how to protect it.

All things can be obtained by the Patent.

What is patent?

An absolute rights given for a new invention , the invention is product or process but it should be a new thing.

That creation offers a new technical solution for a problems.

Why patent important?

A patent gives you rights to stop others from copying, making or selling the invention without originator permission.

You can launch your invention through the market as a product or sell your invention for any companies from this you can get a more profit.

Who Grants patent in India?

The Office of the Controller General of Patents , Design and Trademark(CGPDTM) generally known as Indian Patent office.

The controller of Patent Act, Design Act, Trademark Act officer is Controller General (CG) .His name is Sri.Unnat.P.Pandit took charge on April 2022.

Patent Administration office in India: Kolkata

Head office




Conditions for Patenting 


Inventive step

Industrially applicable

Types of Patent

1.Utility Patent-

  • It’s a type of patent that rights grant for functional aspects of an invention like Machine, Toys, Watches and software.

  • The time duration for the utility patent in India is 20 years.

2. Design Patent-

  • It’s a form of legal protection given for the structural design of an invention like Ornamental designs of machine, Jewelry,cool drinks containers and furniture.

  • The time duration for the design patent in India is 15 years.

3.Plant Patent-

  • It’s a type of patent that rights grant for asexually reproduced and new variety of plant like hybrid fruits and vegetables.

  • The time duration for the plant patent is 20 years,this patent is not available in India.

Patent Application Processing Stages

There are few steps available for getting patent

  1. Filing

  2. Publication

  3. Examination

  4. Opposition

  5. Grant 

  6. Filing-

Filing your invention idea through the Provisional application at Patent office.

Then you have to summit the complete specification within 12 months from the date of filing of the provisional application.

Complete specification summit through the non-provisional application.

Thank You

With Best Regards

Samy Priya

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